Yes, I do realize that today is Tuesday, not Sunday, but I didn't get a chance to post these pictures on Sunday. Sunday morning has become an increasingly special family time for us since we don't get to see Todd much on the weekends anymore. Ethan has a weekend ritual of making "pannycakes" with Dad, something that he looks forward to all week. Then while the boys eat their pancakes, Todd makes breakfast for the two of us, something I definitely look forward to.
These are our seedlings at the end of Week 1. The tomatoes have sprouted beautifully, but we are still waiting on the peppers. The boys love to watch and water the plants- Ethan, spraying oh so carefully, and Jack, doing his best to water the seedlings, but ending up spraying himself in the face again and again, resulting in much laughter!
I think we are all already looking forward to next Sunday.